This site contains almost all veg dishes as few are still coming. If you face any difficulty in cooking or unable to understand the content, feel free to contact me on mail

Friday, November 1, 2013


Diwali is inevitable part of our festivals.This diwali i decided to prepare a different kind of kheer- pinneapple paysam. Since pinneapple is seasonal ,u can make it when it is coming out in abundant.Always use fresh , rippen,sweet pinneapple for it.It is really yummy & very tempting also .It is a south indian-kerala special dessert.


  • Recepie type-vegan/veg                                  cooking time-30 min
  • preparation time -15 min                                 serve for-2 people


  • Pinneapple -1cup
  • Sabudana-1/4cup
  • Sugar-1/4cup
  • Milk-1/2liter
  • Cardamom powder-1/2tsp
  • Saffron strands-4-5
  • ghee-2tsp
  • Cashew nuts-1handful
  • Soaked Almond-1handful
  • Soaked Raisins-1tbsp


  • Take a pan .Add full creame milk in it.keep it in medium -low flame. Reduce it till it become half.
  • Take a pressure cooker .keep it on high flame.Add ghee in it. 
  • Now add the cardamom powder,chopped pinneapple in it.Saute it till it become soften .If it is not become soften easily(due to pinneapple quality),add 1-2 tbsp water& sugar,simmer the gas,allow it for 1 whistle.
  • Now it is turn of sabudana/sago/tapioca.soaked it  for 1 add 1/2cup water in pressure cooker.add the sabudana.allow it for 1-2 whistle.
  • Actually it should be full mashy.Blend it with blender so that no grains can be see.
  • Now add the reduced milk,saffron(soaked in milk)  in cooked sabuadana & pinneapple .
  • Mix them properly.
  • Garnish it with all kind of dry fruits. 


  • We r using the sabudana for the thickness.U can use the rice also for it.
  • In the place of normal reduced milk u can add the first & second milk of coconut.(u can boil second milk of coconut for some time ,but first milk of coconut is very thick .When u add it ,thenstir it & switch off the flame.
  • In place of sugar ,u can add the jaggery.
  • If u r eating it in fast/vrat time then avoid adding rice.


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