This site contains almost all veg dishes as few are still coming. If you face any difficulty in cooking or unable to understand the content, feel free to contact me on mail

Friday, February 1, 2013



  • Gram flour                                             ->1tbsp
  • curd                                                        ->250gm
  • corriender powder                                 ->1tsp
  • red chilli powder                                   ->1/2 tsp(according to taste)
  • salt                                                         ->1/2tsp(according to taste)
  • termeric powder                                    ->1/2tsp
  • fengue greek leaves(dried methi)           ->2tsp
  •  chopped onion                                       ->1medium size
  • Rai(mustard seed)                                  ->1/4 tsp
  • refined oil                                               ->1tsp

  • Take the blended curd and add the water (buttermilk concentration)
  • Add termeric powder,salt ,red chilly powder,gram flour in this batter.
  • Mix it very nicely so that all the lumps in the batter can removed
  • Put this batter for 15 minutes.
  • Take a open vessel (indian kadai/pressure cooker),add the refined oil,let it hot in medium high flame .
  • then add mustard seed(rai)
  • When it started crackling ,then add chopped onion,dried fengu greek leaves ,dried red chill.
  • Let it saute.When it turn golden browen then add batter in the vessel and mix  it well.
  • Give a one boil of that batter in high flame .
  • after that keep it in medium flame for 30 minutes.
  • stir the batter with spoon during this time.
  • Add the water if  batter become concentrated.
  • With in 30 to40 minutes it is ready.
  • Add gram flour pakore in this kadi.
  • Better to eat with rice.
  • Add the pakore before serve only.
  • mix the salt in curd in 2 hours before.(want to sour it)

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